Thursday, November 27, 2008
Insure Now For A Safe Future
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Write For Cash
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hindi Songs

Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Search For Loved One

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Ideal Matches
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Zenni Optical Offers

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
EZunsecured Is Option For You
If you find yourself in need of a line of credit but do not have any assets for collateral, or do not want to risk your valuable property you do have, the EZUnsecured business line of credit is another option for you.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Attract Men Sexually

For better or for worse, that means you'll need to watch your diet. It also means that you will need to start an exercise routine that involves strength as well as aerobic training.
Not only will this help you to attract men sexually, but it will boost your own self-confidence. It has obvious health benefits as well: Better muscles and better cardiovascular health leads to higher energy levels, feeling more active, more productive, and an overall happier sense of well-being. Proper diet coupled with a fitness training program also inevitably lead to an enhanced sex-drive.
A fitness training program need not be overtly strenuous. It need not involve spending countless hours at the gym or countless hundreds or thousands of dollars on a personal trainer or spending a fortune on equipment either. You can achieve physical fitness right in the comfort of your own home if you have access to the right training materials and the right equipment.
Life is short. Yet life has so much to offer. Every woman has what it takes to look like a fitness model. Every woman deserves to experience the Every woman h joys of life that a healthy body and a ravishingly sexy physique has to offer. as what it takes to attract men sexually.
Beautiful, Sexy, and Feminine Self Attract Men?

Probably most of single women would like to be more beautiful or at least somewhat beautiful. But how many of them are making their beauty one of their highest priorities? It may be politically incorrect to say, “I have as a high priority to make myself more beautiful, sexy, and feminine every day.” The P.C. police and some feminists might see such a goal as self-absorbed, shallow, and selfish, or, again, as too “submissive” or “surrendering” to what a man likes to see in a woman.
It may be politically incorrect to say that a woman should develop these qualities in herself. However, know that a nice, sweet, but unbeautiful, unsexy, and unfeminine woman may spend many lonely, unhappy years being politically correct and unnoticed by most men. I don’t want any woman to go unnoticed as a woman, as I did for so long. It hurts too much and too deeply. I know this is true. I experienced it. It hurts me even now as I remember it so many years later.
In the context of finding the right man for a woman to marry and finding him in as short a time as possible, she must be realistic. The reality is that men are attracted to a beautiful or pretty woman more than they are attracted to a plain woman.
Look around you every day at all the other women you see. Then ask yourself, “Do many of these women seem to be making it a priority to be beautiful, sexy, and feminine as they live their day-to-day lives?” It seems obvious to me that many do not. Despite the fact that most men require beauty and a sexy femininity from a woman in order to be attracted to her in the first place, few women try hard enough.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Teen Sex - Are You "Secretly" Having Sexual Intercourse Why?
Am I the ideal age to have sexual intercourse? In all honesty I am not sure and neither are a great many others. Each individual differs in mind and body, and because of this it results in everyone having a difference of an opinion on how they personally see themselves and to how they think. Although we have laws on the age of consent, more often than not the law is broken on a large scale. Children of the 21st century have attitude which they follow religiously when making a point. In our day attitude was never allowed into the equation. I often wonder was this a good or bad thing. Teenagers with a view become steadfast and fight the cause of what they have a view upon, and rightly so. Nonetheless if it involves sexual intercourse, then what we as parents do know for sure is, if you are not ready, aware or prepared then back to the days of old and forbid the teen attitude.
Most adults agree that 15 is not an ideal age to engage in teen sex. Being ready for sex has a lot more to do with maturity than how old you are. Sadly the teen sex experience is never really a doing - done with one solid partner, and this is the reason why you need to be aware of the dangers that can occur from having unprotected sex with different people. If you are fortunate and in a stable relationship then discuss your concerns and any issues you have with your partner before sexual intercourse. Ask yourself and partner are you both doing the right thing. Consider how having sex at an early age might affect your relationship. Does having sex mean the same thing to both of you? Talk to mom, she may not be happy - but she can certainly put you on the right track if you tend on going ahead regardless of what she says. Parents give support, however they will never encourage underage sex, but their need to protect will have them be there for you. So no more secrets and do the right thing. Tell your parents so as not to be looking over your shoulder all the time.
Why the decision to have sex early? Is it because you want to make your partner happy? Is it because you will feel more adult? Is it because your friends are doing it? These are not good enough reasons for losing your virginity. Remember sex doesn't prove love. It doesn't make you into a grown up, in fact you are more of an adult is you do the sensible thing and say no. And not everyone is having teen sex. Study shows 70 percent of 15-year-olds are still virgins.
Think contraception at every convenient moment. It only takes a moment to fall pregnant or catch a life threatening disease (STD). Go along to a family planning clinic and get protection to stay safe. Contraception is given freely along with advice. The age of consent differs for each country so check this out if you are a traveler who enjoys sex while on route.
The female condom is supposedly 79-95% effective. Its purpose is to protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. The condom is a thin, loose-fitting and flexible plastic tube placed inside the vagina. A soft ring at the closed end of the tube covers the cervix during intercourse and holds it inside the vagina. Another ring at the open end of the tube stays outside the vagina and partly covers the lip region.
The good news is that the female condom can be inserted into the vagina up to 8 hours before intercourse. If this is your first time using the female condom then you may find it awkward. To condom can be inserted sitting or lying down whichever is comfortable. Some women lubricate while working the condom into place. Follow instructions provided accordingly and you should have no problem with insertion.
Insertion, squeeze the ring at the closed end of the tube. Use one hand to spread the outer lips, and insert the squeezed condom into the vaginal canal. The inner ring should be urged past the pubic bone and over the cervix. It is vitally important that this process is not rushed; it can unsettle the condom which could result in the condom not doing the job it was created to do. Make sure the condom is not twisted. About one inch of the open end will stay outside the body. The outer ring will need to be held in place during intercourse. After intercourse, squeeze and twist the outer ring to keeping fluids inside. Slowly pull it out and discard immediately. If there were a possibility that the condom was not inserted correctly or slipped then you need take the necessary precaution of taking the "Morning After" Pill.
The pill is a regular method of contraception taken by women worldwide to prevent pregnancy. If you're thinking of going on the pill your doctor will first have to determine if it is safe for you to take, e.g. any risk factors which would make you more liable to heart attacks or strokes. The pill is a tablet containing two female-type hormones - an oestrogen and progestogen. Various oestrogens and progestogens are used in some of the 22 different types of pill in the UK. The hormones halt ovulation. They also thicken secretions round the cervix making it more difficult for sperm to pass.
Sterilization and the contraceptive pill are both 100% effective. In the UK your prescription will include a pack containing 21 contraceptive pills. You take one every day for 21 days. Then you break for a week to allow for your period. In America it is not unusual for packs to contain 28 tablets - seven are 'dummies.' This is a fabulous idea for the forgetful. These are continually taken during the week's break. In Britain dummy packs are referred to as ED (every day). Like most medications there are always the pluses and the downsides. The pill helps ease period pain, shortens your period with light loss. The pill has been connected to certain cancers. Speak to your doctor about this. The best precaution you can take to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or avoid visiting an STD clinic is to say "NO."
Let the secret be known that teen sex is not a trendy behavior - nor will you be respected for all your sexual encounters. Do the sensible trendy thing, grow up and enjoy life and by doing this you gain respect from those who care about you.
Money Making Ideas and Tips For Teens!
So you want to make some money? Maybe you don't want a job or aren't old enough to get one. Here are some money making ideas's not always easy but it can be done!
1. Babysitting! Yes! Getting paid to play with little kid's toys is fun! It's also a bonus that after they go to bed you get to watch tv.
2. Window washing - Get a few friends together, all you need is a window cleaner (squeegy) and a bucket of soapy water! Set up at a nearby traffic light and wait for the customers and the cash to literally roll in.
3. Old People - Approach some elderly shoppers and ask them if they need help carrying their bags to the car for a little donation.
4. Sell frozen oranges down at the local sports field.
5. Newspaper run!
6. Ask your parents if they want any jobs done around the house for some pocket money.
7. Approach neighbors (only if they are friendly..make sure your parents know where you are going before door knocking) and ask them if they need any jobs done (e.g. mowing the lawn, washing the car).
8. Invest in something to sell to other kids at school. E.g. Krispy Kreme donuts can't be bought at some on the weekend and sell them for double the price in the school yard. Hey..its all about supply and demand!
9. Start your own dog walking business.
10. Become the school snitch and ask the headmaster to pay you to rat out on the other kids.
11. Just kidding about the last one hehe! (or am I..).
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Counselling in Schools.. Is it Enough?
How much time for counseling does each student get?
38 minutes per year is the estimated amount of time the average student receives. This statistic is based on the national average ratio of students and counselor Counselor time allotment after 2005 research report entitled "Advice and Counseling College in America's High Schools" by Dr. Patricia McDonough.
Of course, this is an average. While the actual amount of time varies between schools and students, interviews with the parents show that it is a big concern. Despite the best intentions, the level of personal advice is not evenly distributed to all students.
"My child is a solid student. He is not at the top of his class, but he is not weak. School clearly pays the most attention to the students that are extraordinary ... either best or weakest. If you are not in one of these groups, you are not given attention."says the mother of a senior in Colorado from a large public high school.
Not enough consultants ... Too many claims
A brief look at the student-to-supervisor ratio throughout the country shows that there is simply not enough guidance advisers in each school, to the crowd of students and all the requirements for the counselors.
According to the report by Dr. McDonough,the ASCA recommends a guide for every 100 students, or a ratio 100:1. The actual student supervisor ratio in the entire nation is 315:1. That is three times the recommended level according to the NCES.
School Adviser is expected to sort out the issues of participation, discipline, drug and alcohol abuse, sexuality and pregnancy, suicide prevention, and personal crisis, together with academics and a number of other administrative tasks assigned to them.
Where does this leave school then? They are seen as "nice to haves" in many schools, because the time and the resources are not there to support them.
Not only a question of public schools.
The average student ratio consultants in the private high schools is estimated to be 241:1 according to the NCES. While this ratio is better than the public school ratio of 315:1, it is still more than two times the ASCA recommendation of 100:1.
Although private-pupil ratio consultants are better, the parents reported that their children receive guidance is almost exclusively on college advice and placement, not on what the students do when they graduate education.
Thus, it is better for you to talk to your wards on a regular basis and know which direction they are heading into. It may look like interference to them but they will be thankful to you later.
Actvites for kids
Before any experiment arrange all devices or objects. Keep a wash rag always at hand. An apron is a must. Conducting experiments in a room ventilated. Insist on a peer or a guide to be around to help in case of an accident.
A simple test of photosynthesis can be observed in the growth of a plant. Keep a plant in a dark room after watering. Bring the plant to light and put a camera film on one of its leaves. Plants require sunlight to build starch. The carbon dioxide in chlorophyll in the leaves also facilitate this process. The products of photosynthesis is the release of oxygen. When the film was removed from discoloration of the area covered is obvious.
Evaporation is the explanation of the water cycle. Due to sunlight, air evaporates from the sea, condenses to form clouds and precipitates to form raindrops. That can be easily explained after boiling water in a pan,observe the cover, it condenses to water which falls from the boat. Thus, the water cycle is clearly explained.
Static electricity is well known by combing hair. plastic combs acquire negative charge and hair acquires positive charge. This causes repulsion, and hence sometimes using a hairdryer results in single strands.
Germination is deemed in the best summer holidays. The growth of the plant from a seed is certainly a pleasure to watch. Water seeds buried in the ground. Water activates growth, the seed breaks and roots emerge. Roots dig into the soil and further form moreroots. The plant moves towards sunlight and soon becomes a tree with leaves and fruit.
These kind of activites can keep young teenagers busy throughout their summer vacatons!!!
Driving for Teenagers
1.What situations occur, that makes it necessary that your teenagers to have passengers in the car? You may find your practice for young people to meet, or just the other members of the family, the school or other activities. If you and the other adults in the house working outdoors, it may help the family to have another driver to help in this context. Another question that arises is, if your young one wants to drop other young people to a party or any other form of social function. You need to talk to the parents of the young people, before any further decisions.
2.How is your teenager adjusting to the responsibility with a license? Many young people are responsible and have the rules that you have. If that's the case with the young people, you should give them more freedom as long as they remain under the guidelines of the laws of your state.
3.What is the duration youngsters should be given, before you make any changes to the rules of the game? Many parents give their young six months of the probationary period, to decide how everything runs. Look at how your youngsters behave, since they have begun to drive. Has the behavior changed in a positive or negative way? Make discussion with all in the family. Let your youngster give opinions in the decision-making process.
After all these topics, you will be able to take a decision about your youth, after the passengers in the car,that they have to be responsible.